Section 1 – for the CSW Section 2 – for the CBL, SCSW, Support Staff Training
Table of Contents: |
Page Number |
What You Should Know About the Family Preservation System |
5 |
The Family Preservation Request and DCFS-800 |
5 |
Pending, Approved, Denied |
6 |
The Family Preservation Case |
6 |
“FP Number” |
6 |
“FP Number”vs. FP “Case Number”(State ID/Serial#) |
7 |
Auxiliary Fund Requests |
7 |
Reports |
7 |
The FP Menu Bar |
Functions for the CSW |
8 |
Functions for the CBL, SCSW, FP Support Staff |
9 |
SECTION 1 – Login and Functions for the CSW |
First-Time Registration in the Family Preservation System |
11 |
Login Using Your CWS/CMS User ID |
13 |
Forgot Password? |
14 |
Reset Password |
15 |
Table of Contents: |
Page Number |
SECTION 1 – Login and Functions for the CSW |
Create a New Family Preservation Request |
Create a New FP Request 4 Steps |
16 |
Case Management/New FP Request |
19 |
A Closer Look at Search Result Features |
20 |
What the ER CSW Needs to Know… |
22 |
DCFS Referral or DCFS Case? |
23 |
Alternative Response Services (ARS) FP Requests |
24 |
FP Case History |
26 |
Create the DCFS 800 with “View DCFS-800” |
27 |
Update an FP Request |
28 |
FP Case Inquiry |
29 |
Print Out a DCFS 800 for FP Case Update Actions |
30 |
The FP Case Page |
31 |
Creating an Auxiliary Fund Request |
33 |
FP Case Reports |
39 |
SECTION 2 – Log On as a CBL, SCSW or FP Support |
Login As a CBL, SCSW, or FP Support |
41 |
Table of Contents |
Page Number |
SECTION 2 – Log On as a CBL, SCSW or FP Support |
Straight to the “Update FP Request” Page |
41 |
Create an FP Case Using “FP Referral” |
44 |
Extends, Terminations, Agency Transfers |
46 |
Adding a Second Service Location To One Agency Assignment |
51 |
Add a Second Agency Assignment to the FP Case |
52 |
APPENDIX A – DCFS-800 for a New Family Preservation Case |
APPENDIX B - Sample DCFS-800 Update Actions |
APPENDIX C – Auxiliary Fund DCFS 800-1 |
What You Should Know About the Family Preservation System
Before proceeding with step-by-step instructions, it’s worth taking time to clarify some terms and provide a general description of what the Family Preservation system will do for the Family Preservation User. Beginning with…
The Family Preservation Request and DCFS-800:
· The CSW may use the Family Preservation system to create a Family Preservation (FP) Request and the DCFS-800, instead of creating one by hand;
· An FP Request is populated with CWS/CMS data;
· The system assigns a 3-digit, “FP Request Number”, so that it can be tracked, until it becomes an FP Case*;
· A pending FP Request can be updated;
· With the “View DCFS-800” button, a DCFS-800 is created in Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) format and may be printed at any time (See a sample in Appendix A - DCFS-800 New FP Case);
· The DCFS-800 can be re-printed after the FP Request is updated, however, signatures may need to be re-acquired.
· The FP Request number is printed in the header of the DCFS-800 for easy tracking;
· The CSW can take the DCFS-800 to Family Preservation case reviews, submit it to a manager or supervisor for signatures, and submit it to the office Family Preservation Community-based liaison (CBL) for on-line assignment to a CFPN (agency).
*The FP system differentiates an FP Request from an FP Case. What’s the difference? Well, simply put, not all FP Requests will become an FP Case, however, all FP Cases, were at one time an FP Request. An FP Request becomes an FP Case when the CBL (or authorized Family Preservation support staff) assigns it to an agency.
What You Should Know About the Family Preservation System
Pending, Approved, Denied: The status of an FP Request changes during its life cycle. Request Status descriptions are:
Pending: The system sets the FP Request status to “Pending” when the FP Request is first created. There might, however, be a specific Pending Reason, such as, “Waiting for Agency Assignment” or “Insufficient Documentation”. The CBL or any authorized FP Support staff can update the Pending Reason;
Approved: An FP Request status changes to “Approved”; when the CBL, or authorized FP Support staff assigns the FP Request to an agency, once this action is occurs, an FP Case is created.
Denied: Not all FP Request will become an FP Case. When this decision is made, the CBL, or authorized FP Support staff will update the “Denial Reason”, such as, “Family Not Willing To Cooperate”. The system will change the FP Request status to “Denied” with this action.
The Family Preservation Case:
When an FP Request becomes an FP Case the system will assign a 7-digit tracking number to the new FP Case. This tracking number is called the “FP Number”.
“FP Number”
More on the “FP Number”….:
· The “FP Number” will help the system track and differentiate between current and historical episodes of Family Preservation services provided to a family;
· FP Cases created in the last 5 years will be assigned an “FP Number”. This will occur during a conversion process that will take place immediately before the Family Preservation system is implemented county-wide;”.
· The “FP Number” is not the old Family Preservation “Case Number”. In the new FP System, the old FP “Case Number” is known as the State ID/Serial#. Use the State ID/Serial# to search for an FP Case that was created prior to implementation of the new FP System;
· The “FP Number” is always displayed in the header of the FP Case web-page;
· The “FP Number” is printed in DCFS-800, for FP Update actions;
What You Should Know About the Family Preservation System
“FP Number”vs. FP “Case Number”(State ID/Serial#)
It is important to re-state that the FP Number is a tracking number, created for every new distinct episode of Family Preservation services and should not be confused with the old FP “Case Number”, which is now referred to as the State ID/Serial # in the new FP system.
Auxiliary Fund Requests: The CSW FP Menu includes a function to create Auxiliary Fund requests. After the Auxiliary Fund Request is created, the FP user has the ability to print a pre-populated request that will require signatures and further processing. Note: Because the FP System links the Auxiliary Fund request to an FP Case, this feature is not available for CSWs in Specialized units, such as Latino Family, and Black Family.
Reports: The FP Menu includes a Report function, to create various FP Case listing reports. After selection criterion is entered, ant the type of report is defined, the user may click on the “Report” button will create a report that can be printed.
FP Menu Bar – Functions for the CSW
FP users, who login as a CSW, will see the following Family Preservation menu tabs, and sub-menu functions.
Note: For further information about the function, the FP Training Guide page number is to the right of the function (these page number references will not be seen on-line)
· Case Management tab and Sub-Menu items:
16 or 19 Page:
29 Page:
· Auxiliary Funds tab and Sub-Menu item:
· Reports tab and Sub-Menu Item:
· Utility tab and Sub-Menu item:
· Help and Logoff do not have sub-menu items at this time.
FP Menu Bar – Functions for the CBL, SCSW, FP Support Staff
FP users, who login as a CBL, SCSW, or FP support staff, will see the following Family Preservation menu tabs, and sub-menu functions. Note: For further information about the function, the FP Training Guide page number is to the right of the function (these page number references will not be seen on-line)
This menu bar is similar to the CSW Menu bar, but does not have these functions: “Create New FP Case” and “Auxiliary Funds/Create Auxiliary Fund Request”.
· Case Management tab and Sub-Menu items:
29 Page:
28 & 41 Page:
46 25 Page:
· Reports tab and Sub-Menu Item:
· Utility tab and Sub-Menu item:
Help and Logoff do
not have sub-menu items at this time.
SECTION 1 – Login and Functions for the CSW
First-Time Registration in the Family Preservation System
Begin in DCFS LAKids, go to the Quick
Links section and
find the link to the system.
· Click on the Family Preservation link, to activate the Family Preservation Login Screen,
· Prior to entering the Username and Password, FP requires that CSW users, who are logging into Family Preservation for the first time, to register by Clicking on the “New CSW Registration” link,
· Complete all mandatory fields (indicated with a red asterisk) in the Family Preservation Registration form, then Click on the Search button,
Continued on next page...
First-Time Registration in the Family Preservation System
· When the system confirms that the CSW User ID, File# and Office, all match with CWS/CMS, the system will ask the CSW to create a Password for the Family Preservation system and will ask for the CSW’s DCFS e-mail address.
Note: If the CSW’s User ID, File#, Office does not match exactly with CWS/CMS, this error message will appear:
“CSW does not appear in the system”. The CSW should check the information for accuracy or for typographical errors, and try again.
· Click on “Register” to complete this one-time-only* registration process. A message box will appear: “CSW Password was Created Successfully”. Click on the OK button to continue. *Note: One-time only registration is in effect as long as the CWS/CMS User ID does not change. In the event a CSW changes their CWS/CMS User ID, the CSW should re-register with Family Preservation in order to Login successfully.
Login Using Your CWS/CMS User ID
Once registered, the CSW may now enter their current CWS/CMS Username (User ID) and Password, (use the Password that was created during the Family Preservation registration process).
· After clicking on Login, this Internet standard message regarding the password will appear:
· It’s recommended that you check, “Don’t offer to remember any more passwords” and Click on “No”
Forgot Password?
In the event the CSW forgets their Family Preservation Password, the CSW may…
· Click on the Forgot Password? Link;
· Complete all mandatory fields in the Password re-set screen;
· Click on Submit, a temporary password will be e-mailed to the CSW.
Forgot Password?
· The text of the Re-set Password e-mail will appear as follows:
A request has been received to reset
your Family Preservation Program System password.
Your new randomly generated password is: #pass#
Use the temporary password above to login to the Family Preservation
Program System. Also, please do not reply to this message. If you have received
this message in error, or did not request this password reset, please contact
your System Administrator at 562.345.6707.
Use the following link to login to the Family Preservation Program System and
select Reset Password from the Utility Menu to change your password.
· Reset the Password as instructed in the e-mail
· Select “Reset Password” under the Utility tab of the Family Preservation menu.
Create a New Family Preservation Request
Create a New FP Request In 4 Steps:
STEP 1 – After the CSW Login…
When the CSW Logs in, by default, the New FP Request web page will display cases in the CSW’s caseload.
STEP 2 – Click on a CWS/CMS Referral Number or Case Number link…
Create a New Family Preservation Request - Create a New FP Request In 4 Steps
STEP 3 – Enter all mandatory Fields in the FP Request…
A red asterisk (*) precedes all mandatory fields.
Create a New Family Preservation Request - Create a New FP Request In 4 Steps
STEP 4 – Scroll down to the bottom of the FP Request and Click on the Submit button… that’s all there is to it.
The Submit button will save the FP Request and generate a new 3-digit FP Request Number. Cancel will return the user to the New FP Request page.
After the submit button is clicked, the system will display a green banner message. The message will show the new FP Request Number. Note: The FP Request page will switch to Update mode and the Back arrow button will be disabled.
If there is an error, the banner will be red. All error messages are displayed with a red-banner
a New Family Preservation Request
Case Management/New FP Request
To create a New FP Request from anywhere in the application, go to the Case Management tab and click on “New FP Request”
· Ensure that the appropriate CWS/CMS Source is selected; by default the source is “DCFS Case, to locate a case.
· If trying to locate a DCFS Referral, select “DCFS Referral”, the search criteria will change appropriately.
· Enter the search criteria, and then click on “Search”. Click on “Clear” to refresh the screen.
Create a New Family Preservation Request
A Closer Look at Search Result Features:
These are some features of the New FP Request Search Result grid:
· Clicking on the column name will sort the list by that field in ascending or descending order;
· When the CWS/CMS Source is “DCFS Referral”, the search result grid will look like this, most column names are self-explanatory. Worth mentioning is the Closure Date column, showing the date the DCFS Referral was closed;
· When the CWS/CMS Source is “DCFS Case”, the search result will look like this. Again, column names are self-explanatory. Worth mentioning are the “SC Start” (Service Component Start Date) and “SC” (Service Component);
Create a New Family Preservation Request- A Close Look at Search Results:
· The New FP Request will return a maximum of 12 rows per search; use the page number links to advance to other pages. Click on any underlined page number to go to that page.
· Use the Percent (%) wild-card character in the Search field to generalize your search. For example “g%” will return all DCFS Cases with a CSW File that starts with the letter “g”. Caution: A search requested, where the criteria is too broad, will take longer to return rows of data, in some cases this may cause degradation for the entire system and may affect all users.
Create a New Family Preservation Request
What the ER CSW Needs to Know…
· By default, when the ER Worker logs into the FP system, the New FP Request page will lists open and closed CWS/CMS Referrals. Upon implementation, this list will show open and closed referrals assigned to the ER Worker within a 6-month time frame, this may change at a later time). (This example contains fictitious data)
Create a New Family Preservation Request - What the ER CSW Needs to Know
DCFS Referral or Case?
At times an ER Worker has DCFS Cases in their caseload, if this is the situation, do the following:
· Select “DCFS Case” from the “CWS/CMS Source:” drop-down. Also, ensure that the CSW File # still shows the correct file number, and make sure the office is still correct,
· Click on Search, the result will be a list of DCFS Cases that are assigned to the ER Worker.
Create a New Family Preservation Request -What the ER CSW Needs to Know
Alternative Response Services (ARS) FP Requests
When the ER Worker clicks on the Referral No, the system will display this message: “Do you want to create an Alternative Response Request?”, (OK or Cancel). “Cancel” is the same as “No”, meaning that you can continue with creating an FP Request; however it will not be an Alternative Response - FP Request.
Create a New Family Preservation Request -What the ER CSW Needs to Know
Alternative Response Services (ARS) FP Requests
If OK is selected (for the message, “Do you want to create an Alternative Response Request”), the system will perform another check to determine if any open DCFS cases are associated with this DCFS Referral. Per Family Preservation requirements, if there is an open DCFS Case associated with the selected DCFS Referral, the system will display this warning message: “Referral has an open Case in CWS/CMS”. It will be possible to create a regular FP Request for this DCFS Referral, by simply trying again and selecting “Cancel” instead of “OK”, however, it will not be an Alternative Response FP Request.
FP Case History
When a New FP Request is created, the system will perform a check of prior FP Case records to determine if Family Preservation case history exists for the selected Referral or Case. If the system finds prior FP Case history for this family, the following pop-up page will be displayed:
· After reviewing the FP History, there are two options, Continue FP Request (to create the FP Request) or Cancel the FP Request (to return to the New FP Request page).
· If the FP Request is created, the FP history can be accessed any time by clicking on the “History” button in the upper-right corner of the FP Request.
Create the DCFS 800 with “View DCFS-800”
After the FP Request is created, a DCFS-800 can be created and printed using the following steps:
![]() |
Update an FP Request
Any FP Request can be retrieved using the “Update FP Request” function of the Case Management tab.
· This is the Update FP Request search page:
· By default, the Request Status is “Pending”
· FP Requests that have a status of “Pending” can be updated.
· FP Request with a status of “Denied” or “Approved” cannot be updated; therefore, the FP Request page is read-only.
FP Case Inquiry
FP Cases active or inactive can be found using the FP Case Inquiry page.
· Enter the “FP Number” (this will take you directly to the FP Case page); Click Search; otherwise,
· Enter data in the Search criteria fields, hit Search or Clear if a mistake is made;
· Optional: Click on “Export to Excel” to send the result data to Microsoft Excel;
· Optional: Click on the DCFS 800 icon to view the DCFS 800.
Note: If the User is searching for a Probation/Family Preservation Case, Change “FP Case Type:” to “Probation”.
Print Out a DCFS 800 for FP Case Update Actions
If a DCFS 800 is needed for FP Case update actions, locate the FP Case using the “FP Case Inquiry” or “Update FP Case” (available to CBL, SCSW users only).
· Click on the “View DCFS 800” button located at the bottom of the FP Case page.
· Or, you can click on the DCFS 800 icon in the “FP Case Inquiry” or “Update FP Case” search pages
The FP Case Page
The FP Case Page is read-only for CSWs. CBL, SCSW, FP Support users can update the FP Case page.
The FP Case Page
Located at the bottom of the FP Case are areas for viewing Check Processing, Purchase Order, Billing, and History information.
· Click on the plus (+) symbol to view additional information
Creating an Auxiliary Fund Request
The user can create an Auxiliary Fund request for a particular FP Case, using the following steps:
Creating an Auxiliary Fund Request
Creating an Auxiliary Fund Request
Creating an Auxiliary Fund Request
· Click on “Submit” to save the Auxiliary Fund request. The system will create an Auxiliary Fund Request number for future reference and tracking.
Creating an Auxiliary Fund Request
Creating an Auxiliary Fund Request
FP Case Reports
The Reports function brings up the Case Listing Reports page to produce several case listing reports. To create a report:
SECTION 2 – Log On as a CBL, SCSW or FP Support
Login As a CBL, SCSW, or FP Support
CBL, SCSW, or FP Support users are to contact BIS at (562) 345-6720 to obtain a User ID and Password, unlike the CSW user who will register on-line. CSWs register because the FP System is linked to CWS/CMS CSW caseload data. Once the user obtains a User ID and Password, they may login to the FP System.
Begin in DCFS LAKids, go to the Quick
Links section and
find the link to the system.
Straight to the “Update FP Request” Page
After login, the Update FP Request screen appears, this is the default page:
· Click on the Clear button, if data resides in the search grid that is not the desired result, and then enter the search criteria. The fastest way to locate an FP Request is to enter and search on the FP Request#.
Straight to the “Update FP Request” Page
These are the most common updates the CBL will perform in the FP Request page:
· Update the Received Date (this is the date the CBL received the signed DCFS-800 hard-copy from CSW;
· Update the Pending Reason, i.e., “Waiting for Agency” or “Insufficient Documentation”;
· Update the Denial Reason;
· Assign an Agency by entering Start Date, Duration and selecting a CFPN from the Agency Name drop-down. Note: The End Date will automatically be set when the duration is entered.
Straight to the “Update FP Request” Page
· Click on “Submit” to save any update action.
Only the Agency assignment update action will generate the following message:
Message: “Do you want to create FP Case?”
· Click OK if you wish to create an FP Case,
· When OK is clicked, the FP System will assign an “FP Number” (7-digits), as it is no longer an FP Request. At this point, the status of the FP Request will change from “Pending” to “Approved”,
· Otherwise, if Cancel is selected, the update will occur, however, you’ll return to the FP Request page. The FP Request will remain “pending” and an FP Case will not be created. In addition, the system will not assigning an “FP Number” if Cancel is selected.
Create an FP Case Using “FP Referral”
It is highly recommended that the CSW create an FP Requests and DCFS-800 on-line, however, there may be situations where the CBL may need to create an FP Case when the CSW does not create an FP Request. For example, the CSW may submit a hand-written DCFS-800 to the CBL, instead. Creating the FP Case can be done with “New FP Referral” function by using the following steps:
· Select “New FP Referral” from the Case Management menu,
· Select “DCFS Case” or “DCFS Referral” from CWS/CMS Source: to locate the appropriate type of case, then click on Search
· Click on the CWS/CMS Case No or CWS/CMS Referral No, to activate the next page.
Create an FP Case Using “FP Referral”
· Enter the Service Type/Assignment Start Date, Duration
· In the Agency Assignment section, Click on Add; Select an Agency; Click on Update
· In the Primary Caregiver section, Click on Add; select a Primary Caregiver, Click on Update;
· Enter the remaining mandatory fields;
· Click on “Submit” to save the changes;
· The system will assign an “FP Number” to the new FP Case.
Extends, Terminations, Agency Transfers
Update FP Case: After receiving the signed DCFS-800, the CBL will use the “Update FP Case” function to take actions such as, Extends and Terminates, Agency Transfers, etc.. (See, Appendix A – Sample DCFS-800 Update Actions)
· Click on Submit to save any update action. The system will display this message for successful updates.
Extends, Terminations, Agency Transfers
Extend an FP Case:
· To Extend the FP Case, update the End Date. You may manually change the date inside the field (using the format MM/DD/YYYY) or use the Calendar tool.
Extends, Terminations, Agency Transfers
Terminate an FP Case:
· To terminate an FP Case, enter the Termination Date. You may manually change the date inside the field (using the format MM/DD/YYYY) or use the Calendar tool,
· Select a Termination Reason from the drop-down list (See the DCFS-800 to obtain the Closure Reason)
Terminations, Agency Transfers
Transfer an FP Case to a Different Agency:
There may be occasions when an FP Case is transferred to another agency. This task is performed with the “Transfer” function by taking the following steps:
· Click on the Transfer link, which will end the assignment to Agency (29) (a new row will be created for the new Agency),
· Using the CFPN drop-down, select the new Agency (43) assignment,
· Enter the Start Date of the Agency (43) assignment,
· Select a Rate from the Rate drop-down list for Agency (43).
· Click on Update (to save the new Agency assignment)
Extends, Terminations, Agency Transfers
Transfer an FP Case to a Different Agency:
· After clicking on Update, the End Date for Agency (29) will change to one-day before the Start Date of the new assignment to Agency (43)
· Click on “Submit” to save the changes
Adding a Second Service Location to One Agency Assignment
There are situations where one Agency provides services to two locations. To perform this task, the FP system the Primary Caregiver for the second service location be identified. Complete the following steps to add a second service location to an FP Case:
![]() |
This is what the Primary Caregiver Section will look like after adding a second Service Location. Update and Cancel are now changed to Edit and Delete, for changing and removing, respectively.
Add a Second Agency Assignment to the FP Case
There may be situations where one FP Case is serviced by two agencies. To accomplish the task of adding a second agency assignment to an FP Case follows the steps below:
· First, find the case with the Case Management/Update FP Case function;
· Click on Add in the Service Type/Assignment section. (A new agency row will be created);
· Select a new Agency from the drop-down list;
· Select the appropriate Start and End Dates, then Click on Update;
![]() |
· After the update, the new row will be high-lighted in yellow and Update and Cancel will change to Edit, Delete, Select
· In the Primary Caregiver Section, Click on Add (to add a Primary Caregiver to the New Agency (30))
· Select a Primary Caregiver (one that is different than the other Agency (31) assignment); Click on Update to save the new row. When this is done, Update and Cancel will change to Edit an Delete
Add a Second Agency Assignment to the FP Case
· Click on “Submit”, this action requires Program Manager approval. The following message will appear:
· Click OK.
· If Cancel is selected, this action cannot be taken. All modifications will need to be restored to their original state.
Auxiliary Fund Form
DCFS 800-1